nobcha23のエアバンド受信機自作ブログ DIY airband receiver BLOG

エアバンドレシーバーキットの組み立て、改造を手掛けます Assemble and remodel Chinese airband receiver kit

Si4732+TA2003+Si5351aを使ったエアバンドレシーバ開発実験中 I'm trying to assemble the Si4732&TA2003&Si5351a airband radio


The new airband radio configured with Si4732&TA2003&Si5351a is depending on R909 design. R909 has TA2003 mixer with Si5351a and TA2003 FM/AM radio. Si4732 shall replace with TA2003 radio.

R909 SDR Block diagram

基板はKiCADで設計し深センの基板屋さんに依頼しケアレスミスで失敗。そこで、作り直しは心機一転PCBGOGO the PCB supplyer for PCBGOGOに変えました。(日本語でやり取りし、ケアレスミスも指摘してくれたので、助かりました)

I asked to produce the PCB for Shinseng PCB supplyer but I missed to check after panelised data which was discarded the solid pattern connection to GND. After then I changed the PCB supplyer for PCBGOGO.


Now I'm debugging but it does not work well. The sketch may be insufficient. To confirm the circuit operation, I diverted the serial port control sketch of PU2CLR library. This one can operate SI4732 and also set the frequency on Si5351a.



On this developping I designed three kinds of PCB. RF part, Panel part, and Panel for debug part.






そういうことで、今日の紹介するのは次の2点です。 This time I will introduce 2 things as below.

1.R909スケッチ(Si5351aで周波数設定制御)+PU2CLRライブラリー(Si4732の信号復調制御)テストスケッチ。 Arduinoのシリアルポートでコマンド入力結果出力です。コマンドのレパートリーは次。Serial port interfacing test program. The command repertry is below.

Type F to FM; A to MW; 1 to All Band (100kHz to 30MHz)
Type U to increase and D to decrease the frequency
Type S or s to seek station Up or Down
Type C or c to set AM 21.4MHz RX
Type P or p to set 80.0MHz on Si5351aq
Type Q or q to set 139.5MHz on Si5351aq
Type + or - to volume Up or Down
Type 0 to show current status
Type B to change Bandwidth filter
Type 4 to 8 (4 to step 1; 5 to step 5kHz; 6 to 10kHz; 7 to 100kHz; 8 to 1000kHz)
Type ? to this help.





2.バッテリー動作のRF発生器を作ってみよう  I would like to make the battery operated frequency generator

On this blog I would like to introduce the serial port control sketch ermodelled from PU2CLR library and the battery operated frequency generator.


