Finally, I had finished assembling the kit. There is remaining much noise in spite of receiving the signal. So I had been worried that there were some issues. The squelch is unstable and the squelch will close when the strong signal is com…
After assembled, I had adjusted and could receive the signal. However, it is very much noisy. I'm afraid of remaining some issues. BTW I checked the passband characteristics for the front filter and LNA by using nano VNA. As LNA is 20dB ga…
I completed assembling the kit. Some noisy sound comes out from the speaker. I resumed the voltage list of each IC node. The voltage is measured by a digital tester at DC mode.This is for simple checking to avoid mistaken wiring or parts s…
I just received the kit from China and would like to start assembling it. However, there was no document with it. So I shall prepare the list by myself. Prior to soldering, I put the parts in order to check the contents being enough.I adhe…