I would like to know the gain distribution of the R909-DSP1. Today I checked and estimated some to write the gain distribution map for R909-DSP1. 今後のコピペ設計の参考に、回路各部の利得配分を調べることにしました。今のところR909-DSP1が手持…
I will introduce the R909-DSP2’s front end filter. I used the 2-stage stagger for R909-DSP1. This time I adopted 3 stage Chebyshev characteritic filter. It is sharply high cut but there is deep ripple. Please look at the last photo. R909-…
R909-DSP2 is a follower of R909-DSP radio and composed with TA2003+Si5351a+Si4732+TDA2822. I scarcely finalised debugging it. After winding coils it receives the signal from the airplane who is approacing to Itami airport. It could not re…
R909-DSPの制御部分を独立させ、R909-VFOを試作しました。VFOを使ういくつかの応用試作をやって、スケッチのバグ潰し、使い勝手向上を検討することにします。 I separated the VFO part from R909-DSP radio and I called it R909-VFO. I will divert it the…