nobcha23のエアバンド受信機自作ブログ DIY airband receiver BLOG

エアバンドレシーバーキットの組み立て、改造を手掛けます Assemble and remodel Chinese airband receiver kit


受信感度10dBSN  To measure 10dBSN sensitivity for DIY radios

The sensitivity specificattion for VHF AM radios is measured by 10dBSN method. I tried to get the value by using tiny SA ultra, Adruino oscilloscope, and connecting circuit. I described the note how to check the value. WEBの情報を参考に、…

R909-DSP1/2のTA2003各端子デジタルテスター測定電圧値を比較し不具合要因を探る Comparing the measuring value with the data sheets.

I could not find the cause of backgound noise from TA2003 or the former section. I shall compare the measuring value with the TA2003 data sheet listed. I measured all nodes of R909-DSP1 and R909-DSP2. However I could not claer this isuue. …

R909-DSP1のスケッチと操作について About the R909-DSP1 Arduino sketch

The R909-DSP1 sketch is programmed into the ATmega328P using the Arduino UNO loader. There is a 6-pin header for a USB Serial module that connects to the Arduino IDE, allowing you to drop programs into the ATmega via USB Serial. In this ar…

DIYエアバンド受信機(Si4732使用)の作り方  I would like to introduce R909-DSP1

Currently R909-DSP1 is a best my DIY airband receiver. R909-DSP1 is made of TA2003+Si5351a+Si4732+LM386. I would like to introduce it in details. I uploaded the nessesary data on GITHUB. R909-DSP1エアバンド/FM受信機の自作基板一式です。右…