nobcha23のエアバンド受信機自作ブログ DIY airband receiver BLOG

エアバンドレシーバーキットの組み立て、改造を手掛けます Assemble and remodel Chinese airband receiver kit

Currenly I have 5 airband radios.

(This material is translated version.)

The curent kinds of radios.


1. I'm calling the 1st machine which is the Chinese reciver kit remodeled with Arduino-controlled Si5351a. That is SA-602+MC1350+LM386 with analogue VFO and 16columns 2 lines LCD.

2. The second radio is a same as 1st radio but OLED32x128 display. This one is bad for PCB pattern coils.

3. It is R80 for the 3rd radio. Which is composed NE602+MC3361+TA7630+LM386. And the local oscilltor    is PIC MPU controlled Si5351a. I merely assembled tgis as a kit. The display is 7 segmants LEDs.

4. The fourth one is Jason Kits' R909. It has a TA2003 + TA2003 + LM386 configuration, and the local oscillator is an Arduino-controlled Si5351a. After assembly, we advised on circuit defects and assisted in porting the sketch of the second unit. Airband and FM broadcasts can be received. LCD display 1602A. (We also modify the OLED display version.)

5. The fifth one is a fully DIY one, from circuit design to board pattern design, sketch creation, soldering assembly, and case placement. It has a TA2003 + Si4732 + LM386 configuration, and the local oscillator is an Arduino-controlled Si5351a. I am using the PU2CLR library. Display is OLED 64x128。

Except for R80 of item number 3, the operability is generally the same. Click the RE switch to enter function selection mode, applicable mode, and writing mode. The rotary encoder is a roulette display of parameter values and functions.

The 25MHz fine adjustment setting function and 8.333MHz step function of the Si5351a are still only partially installed.

Channel memory has 50 channels.

Considering priority scan channel. (Prioritize scanning of the tower, landing, takeoff, and control area of each airport by narrowing down to about 5 channels; for example, channels 0-4.)